Monday 29 August 2011

Cheval d'Orient -[dinner set]

this is my second batch of purchase that had arrived and in full display here.

Like any true blue collectors of fine china porcelain, the burning desire to own and take lord over the dinner set range has never been compromised, most to the extend of forsaking and sideline my other indulgences.

Though it is my most costly acquisition of wares to date, believed that this investment will never fail me,..... and it will eventually turn into the most perfect heirloom gift for the next generation.

There is a saying that "you merely look after it for the next generation"

The presence of these dinner plates, soup plates, bread & butter plates, dessert plates, sauce boat and the colourful platter have almost complete the range to enable me for the coming Christmas celebration in sight.

Hopefully the other intend of the tureen and large platters can also join us in time.

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