Saturday 27 September 2014

Archifest 2014

this year ArchiFest is undoubtably a truly local infused festival that celebrates Little RedDot urban environment to its finest.

the assembly of the two winning entries, Fugue 1357 & Cloud Arch will physically embody the spirit of this year's Archifest theme "CROWD' pavilion. Taking centre stage at the sweetest spot on MarinaBay Sands event plaza, these winning pavilion are also an extracts art form out of simple object and the exploration of new materials.

these humble Kopi+Tam plastic stools where the whole generation of Singaporean grew up slipping coffee is Architect Fong Hoo Cheong's brazen composition act. And rightly so, it emerged as the winning formula Fugue1357.
Cloud Arch is Architect Kelvin Kan + professor Sinya Okuda realms of fantasy. Like a swan of overflies covering the entire Singapore skylines under the weight of three huge mighty billowy canopies.

this is one of the sensorial experience not to be missed.

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