Monday 5 September 2011

Hermès Bearn

it was such an exuberance buying mood yesterday.

This Bearn Portefeuille av Lezard Nilo Pl has been awaiting patiently for me at Hermès Takashimaya. Beside it, is another sexy and pinkish young formidable contender named croc compact Constance, offering the most intense competition ever.

Still in my dreamy stage, this Bearn wallet is fighting very hard for her life and shining its iridescence to attract my attention, and simply stared at me for acceptance. The battle lasted less than half and hour and eventually it was......... voilà !!! Bearn the emerged winner, not due to its superiority but because it costed less than a third $$$$$$$.

Without much delay, the deliverance of this birthday gift, is so sweet and exceptionally precious. Bonjour darling Bearn, my beginning romance with the exoticà.

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