Monday 12 September 2011

sexy RedDot

Unbelievable but in reality, this little RedDot has broken into Global Language Monitor's Top 10 list of fashion capital of the world.

Disbelief is the responses and many are unconvinced.

Even our very own London based fashion designer, Ashley Isham made the most unbelievable remarks: "How can Singapore beat fashion cities like Tokyo and Berlin when half the population here are in T-shirts, slippers and shorts?"

Why the negativity? Still having doubt over the jury expert decision? and i beg to differ.

Unknowing many had failed to realise that this once a sleepy fishing town is already making great strides to become a sexy cosmopolitan city. This is due largely to its many initiatives like the operation of humming Casino, the debut of world first night F1 jewel race that virtually glittered the night away and the staging of Asia Fashion Exchange programmes. Last in the least, is the ever changing cityscape of foreign imported building that had elicits awe.

What really matter, is the whole generation of this fun loving denizens enjoying the zooming circuit party, gaga-ing over the Audi Fashion Festival, dinning with newly arrived Michelin starred food and living under these designers' homes. These events and newly found lifestyle are conducted under the full media coverages beaming live to the world stage.
This is most important. Edgy and chic. A Sleepless City in the Orient

Yves Saint Laurent once quoted: " Over the years, i have learned that what is important in the dress is the woman who is wearing it."  So......... true.

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